Oh hey, Wednesday Warrior
What is it about work and Wednesdays? Wednesdays seem to have a very “mercury in retrograde” vibe about them, lately.
I was talking to a few friends about it (and posting on Instagram, of course). The middle of the week bring mixed feels. All the postponed calls and tasks loom over us as the end of the week comes into sight. And as the end of the week comes into sight, we find ourselves rushing to finish deliverables and tasks so we can end the week on a high note and start the following week without the baggage of the prior week.
So Wednesday becomes the chosen day. For productivity and for guilt and for communication.
And we all become Wednesday Warriors, battling mid-week burnout while half the week still remains.
I don’t know what the solution is, maybe a 4 day work week. Or maybe a more intentional pace and organization of our week.
Whatever it is, I hope as a society, we come to an agreement at some point that productivity is not synonymous with overwhelm. True productivity is a result of enjoying your work and having a process to getting it accomplished.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on #wednesdaywarrior syndrome!
Until next time,